All car sharing
in one app

carsharing aggregator app showing map of all cars

Tired of checking multiple apps to find the nearest car?
Now do it in one click with car sharing aggregator
carsharing aggregator app showing map of all cars
" This is a game changer!! Before this app, I had to open Bolt, wait for loading, click BoltDrive, loading again to see car 4 streets away. Then checking CityBee which is even further. Then OX, not even around. So now have to go back to Bolt. Well…. it’s gone, I guess taking a scooter then. But with it just takes 5 seconds "
- Janis, happy user

Why use CarShary?

Save time, money, and plan easier.


See all car sharing in one app, even during reservation - find nearest car on your way in one click


Discover other car sharing - stay updated on best pricing, new cars and locations


Predict availability of car sharing at your next location and time - safely end the rental knowing the car will be there


Radar on all car sharing with one click - don't miss the car you want at right time


Community of car sharing riders - find reviews and tips

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